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Submitting an Article!

We are excited for your interest in submitting an article to JUR! We accept submissions from ALL academic disciplines and are happy to accept original articles, senior theses, essays, and/or papers.


We will be accepting work for the Fall 2023 issue from July 19-August 19, 2023. During this window, click the button below to submit an article for consideration! We look forward to reviewing your great work!

Formatting Guidelines

We are excited to see your exciting work! Please follow the below formatting guidelines for your submission!


Create a Cover Page with the Following Information:

  • Full Student Name

  • UR Student ID Number

  • Year

  • Academic Discipline of Submission (e.g. Department of Philosophy)

  • Mentor and Mentor's email


Document Specifications

  • Document Type: Microsoft Word Document

  • Font: Times New Roman, Size 12

  • Spacing: Double-Spaced 

  • Page Numbers: Top Right

  • References/Citations: The Accepted Citation Style Used in Your Discipline

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